SPRINT- Education for newcomers

SPRINT is Choice’s education program where medical and psychology students work to provide newcomers and asylum-seeking young people at the Language introduction program the prerequisites for a good integration in Swedish society as well as maintaining / adopting a healthy approach to alcohol, drugs and tobacco (ANT) . This is done by  the medical and psychology students teaching youth about the human body, ANT, how they can enhence their own health, health care and  manage stress and sleep.

The objectives:

  • Enhance young people to make informed decisions about their use of ANT
  • Increase knowledge about the health impact factors and visualize tools that will influence their  health in a positive direction
  • Visualize different stress management tips to prevent self-medication with ANT
  • Build young people’s trust for health care and guide them in the health care system
  • Promote health among young newcomers and thus increase their prerequisites to take advantage of the school education
  • For more information, please contact info@stiftelsenchoice.se

Said about Choice

”It was beyond expectation, especially the similarities made to the human organs was good. They have gained a better understanding of how the human body works. ”
-High School Teacher

”It was great, we learned many things that I did not know before. For example what happens to my body if I smoke.”
-High School Student