Health Consultation

According to a survey conducted by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate in 2015, the student health does not correspond to the students need.
Choice in collaboration with medical and psychology students offers a supportive health consultation built on a foundation of MI (motivational interviewing). The aim of the consultation is to meet the needs of adolescents and young adults considering advice, support and questions regarding health related issues, as well as giving them concrete tools to independently influence their mental health in a positive direction.  Medical and psychology students are young role models that with ease can create a relationship with the younger students.

The objectives

  • Improving mental health and prevent mental illness as well as suicide among young people
  • Enhence youth empowerment in relation to their own mental health
  • For more information, please contact

Said about Choice

”One person stayed behind to talk a bit more. He said that he felt comfortable talking to us and told us that we were educational and that it seemed like we understood more than adults.”
-Psychology Student

”For those I talked to, they had a strong commitment and expressed gratitude to be able to get this help externally.”
-Psychology Student